With every passing day, the budgets of Bollywood movies are becoming more and more bloated. Recently, Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff’s Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, bombed despite coming with a reported price tag of Rs 350 crore, calling into question just how much money producers are spending on films. A Film Companion report also suggested that the majority of film budgets are spent on star fees. The same report also noted that several people in Ajay Devgn’s entourage were given an official credit for the film Maidaan.
Filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan addressed the demands of major movie stars in a recent video, and said that some of them ask for up to four vanity vans each, before they start their day’s work on set. In her YouTube vlog, she told television actor Dipika Kakkar and her husband Shaoib Ibrahim that stars demand multiple vanity vans for themselves and their entourage.