Nadia proudly displays Christmas tree at home

Every December, depending on where you live, a sparkly tinsel-covered Christmas tree becomes a staple decoration item in a select corner of the house. And if you are in actor Nadia Afgan’s home, matters are no different.

Taking to her Instagram handle, the Suno Chanda star paid homage to her Christian helper and neighbours by posting a reel of her very first Christmas tree, which she and her husband Jodi personally decorated.

“Jodi and I decided to put up a Christmas tree because Catherine works for us, and because there are so many other [Christian] people who work in our colony, and also because it’s festive season!” begins Nadia in her reel. As in so many of her home videos, the actor looks unadorned and relatable in an oversized pink sweatshirt as she invites her fans into a true snapshot of what home life looks like.

“So we did our first tree,” continues Nadia. “I had a theme in my head and I knew that I didn’t want a tree with lots of different colours – and it’s come out pretty nicely! Here is our tree! Look at it!”


Nadia flips the camera to show off a beautiful average-sized tree standing atop a square end table next to a sofa. Nadia’s very first Christmas tree is draped in silver tinsel, silver stars blue and silver baubles, and threaded with fairy lights. A lone Santa Claus figure takes pride of place at the top.

“It’s so beautiful!” exclaims Nadia, the excitement in her voice palpable. “Jodi and I, we did this ourselves. We didn’t get a very big tree – but look at the tinsels and the stars! I wanted a blue and a silver one!”

Nadia’s gesture showcases inclusivity and acceptance across faiths – and, judging by her caption, it did not go unnoticed by her helper Catherine.

“Catherine was so delighted it made her day to see the Christmas tree,” captioned Nadia. “We got one for her as well. She will decorate that herself with her children. Spreading love, peace and harmony. I always wanted a Christmas tree, and now I have one!”

It was not just Catherine who appreciated what Nadia’s tree symbolised. Whilst one commenter denounced Nadia for seemingly turning her back on her religion, other fans in the comments section also spoke up about how they, too, do the same thing every December regardless of beliefs.

“We do the Christmas tree and Christmas gifts every year at our place too!” writes one follower. “It’s so festive and the Christian people in our house get to celebrate with us

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